Karma Majin ♂ ♀


Requirement: Wonder Majin Main Class

Weapon: Mask

Plasma Majin Sub-Class: Single Target, Support Attack, Debuff Skills

The Karma Majin is a single target, highly mobile offensive class, that excels in competitive content, such as Tenkaichi Budokai and Solo Ranked Battles due its assortment of skills that can aid in taking down the toughest foes in the right hands, such as Playful Doll and Hesitation, while the Karma Majin Excels in Competitive Content, It can also handle Instance Content, Such as Time Machine Quests and Ultimate Dungeons with its multi-target de-buffs. The Karma Majin’s Weapon is a Mask.

Main Class

Wonder Majin

Karma Majin

Class Skills

가면 광선
Mask Light
Shoot a projectile of light out of your mask.
앵그리 익스플로전
Anger Explosion
Accumulate all of your anger and
release it in one huge attack.
진 연속 호밍샷
Homing Storm
Enhanced version of Continuous Homing-shot skill. This version hits the
enemy with more energy and can be lethal if shot from behind the enemy.
썬썬 삼바
RaRa Implosion
Use the energy from the sun to create a miniature version of it,
and hit your enemies with it.
룬룬 룸바
RaRa Eruption
Summon powers from the earth to erupt and hit enemies in an area.
민첩 상승
Inner Rage
Rage radiates from your body after remembering
the day someone stole your candy.
EP 재생효과 상승
EP Control
Control your energy and increase your regeneration.
집중력 높아져 가면
Critical Unveil
Unveil yourself increasing your allies
focus and critical damage.
빨리빨리 가면
GoGo Mask
Use the magic of your mask to
increase the tempo of your allies.
장난이 늘어 가면
Joking Matter
When the situation becomes scary put your
mask on and transform it into a joking matter,
increasing all of your allies status,
resistance and reducing the duration of bleeds.
멈춰 가면
Mobility Seal
Scare your enemies with your mask by stunning them.
피하기 힘들어져 가면
Evasion Masking
Put on your mask when the enemy least
expects it and decrease their reflexes
and increase their casting time.
기공 크리티컬 확률
Critical Spiritual Damage
Create a beat that increases your critical damage.
망설임이 늘어 가면
Make your target hesitate making
them unable to use skills.
쑥쑥 저주 빨아들이기
Love Cursing Armoa
Absorbs curses and increases physical and energy attack.
대롱 대롱 인형 놀이
Playful Doll
The enemies hang at a rope, best you don't
move. As long you don't move, you can keep
the considerable concentration.
카르마 마스터리
Karma Mastery
Because of evil energy, pain and difficulties, the
Wonder Majin turned into a Karma Majin. With
his attacks he brings fear to his opponents.

HTB Skill

해피 카니발 센세이션!!
Happy Carnival Sensation!!
Use your Mysterious Mask for a powerful HTB attack.