Mighty Majin ♂ ♀


Mighty Majin Class: Buff Skills, Debuff Skills, AoE Skills, Physical Damage

The Mighty Majin is a physical utility class; centered around buffing and de-buffing allies and opponents alike, the Mighty Majin has the largest pool of abilities of any class, able to cover every role due to the versatility of the buffs the Mighty Majin can grant to themselves and allies alike, such as Defense Breeze, and Hardening Breeze.

Sub Classes

Ultimate Majin

Grand Chef Majin

Mighty Majin

Class Skills

초 배니싱 볼
Calamity Blaster
Fire a blast powerful enough to completely vaporize the Earth.
스페셜 깜짝 펀치
Special Surprise Punch
Punch your enemy before they even notice
you have made a move.
Genocide Blast!!
Only in Pure Majin form. Throw a projectile of
energy at your enemies.
회전 공격
Spinning Attack
Turn around in circles, like, go to hell! But be careful
you may get dizzy.
Planet Burst!!
Only in Pure Majin form. Throw a projectile of
energy at your enemies. Need some time to prepare.
미라클 슈퍼 펀치
Miracle Super Punch
Chubby body weight in full action!
Your opponents aren't dare to fight you.
캐러멜 드롭킥
Caramel Dropkick
An all out flying kick. Put all your might and
weight into this awesome kick.
빙글빙글 연타
Battering Armspin
Crazy continuously rotating arms attack!
Bring them all down with it.
히프 봄
Hyper Bomb
Devastating attack! No matter what
armor the enemies are wearing, it
can cause serious injury.
울트라 스피드 어택
Ultra Speed Attack
Rush into your enemy and slap them
before they see you.
분열 폭탄
Cluster Bomb
Create bombs in your stomach and then drop
them on your enemies.
초 분열 폭탄
Double Cluster Bomb
Cluster Bomb enhanced version.
Create bombs in your stomach and then drop
them on your enemies.
기공 방어력 상승
Increase Constitution
Train your body to withstand attacks.
스킬 지속시간 상승
Skill Duration Up
Majin developed ability which increases the duration of their skills.
해독해독 브레스
Detoxifying Breeze
Send a detoxifying breeze to your allies.
치료치료 브레스
Banishing Breeze
A breeze that completely makes bleeding disappear.
원기회복 브레스
Regeneration Breeze
Send a breeze of regeneration to your allies.
타격튼튼 브레스
Defense Breeze
Blow out some magic force that
grant defense to physical attacks
and strengthen the body.
기공튼튼 브레스
Hardening Breeze
Release an energy breath, that
grants defence to spiritual attacks
and strengthens the body.
매력넘쳐 브레스
Enchanting Breeze
Gently encourage your teammates to
hit stronger and boost defence.
막아막아 히트업
Guarding Breeze
Release your stored energy, to protect yourself and
your friends.
힘껏때려 히트업
Critical Defense
Create an atmosphere of anger, stimulate
your bodies to attack sharper.
힘껏쏘아 히트업
Critical Attack
Boost your allies energy critical rate by/ncalming and focusing their minds.
체력짱짱 브레스
Healing Breeze
Share a breath of relief with your friends!
Motivate them to fight harder.
기빠져라 번쩍
Despiriting Flash
Smile strangely at your enemy,
drain their fighting spirit.
정신차렷 히트업
Spiritual Resistance
Pull yourself together to block abnormal status attacks.
Pull silly faces, Everyone who
sees you will immediately chase you.
캔디 빔
Candy Beam
Turns the target into a sweet and sour candy.
피하기 히트업
Evade Up
Pretended to be angry, make the opponents
nervous, so your companions can easier
dodge their attacks.
기합빵빵 히트업
Spirit Up
Fill your body full with energy. Nearby
companions will feel the boost too!

Global Skills

순수 마인
Pure Majin
Transform into a Pure Majin. A being of
destruction with insane power.
Your energy will drain in this form.
Increases Attack Power and Speed, but drains LP.
포포에게 부탁해!
Ask Popo's Help!!
Revive nearby allies with the power of Popo!
Blocks incoming attacks.
High speed, short ranged dash in any direction.
기 모으기
Power Up
Accumulate RP while casting.
Grants the ability to fly.
카운터 어택
Counter Attack
Counter your target after guarding against a skill.

HTB Skill

원더풀 크래셔!!
Wonderful Crash!!
Unreservedly energy projectile thrown out!
Leave the opponents no time to suffer.