Ultimate Majin ♂ ♀


Requirement: Mighty Majin Main Class

Weapon: Horn

Ultimate Majin Sub-Class: Defensive Buffs Skills, Great Usage of Buffs in Allies

The Ultimate Majin further adds more utility buffs to its kit, allowing for more potent buffs for you and your allies, such as Miraculous Recovery and Miraculous Spirit which will recover health and energy based on the damage taken, this will affect the entire party on cast, making this a sought after class for competitive and instanced combat alike. The Ultimate Majin’s weapon is the Horn.

Main Class

Mighty Majin

Ultimate Majin

Class Skills

다이너마이트 호른
Dynamite Horn
Blast unbearable noise from your
instrument and convert it into
a weapon against your enemies.
초 다이너마이트 호른
Double Dynamite Horn
Enhanced version of the Dynamite Horn.
This version is heavier and also burns
your enemy.
프레임 샤워 브레스
Flame Shower Breeze
Spit living fire out of your
instrument and burn your enemies.
회전 회전 프레임 브레스
Spinning Flame Breath
Rotate while spitting fire out of your instrument.
근성 상승
Strength Up
You are happy and pure so your health is greater.
상태이상 저항 증가
Status Resistance
Your music is always with you so it will always
protect you and make you resistant to anything.
가스제거  빰빠라밤
Miraculous Gas Removal
Play smooth soul music so all abdominal pain goes away.
기운내요 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Cheering
Play cheerful music that increases
the energy and health of your allies.
체력쑥쑥 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Recovery
Inspire your allies so they recover
health every time damage is taken.
기가차요 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Spirit
Inspire your allies so they recover
energy every time damage is taken.
방어율 상승
Nothing can stop you from performing.
기분맞춰 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Fitness
Inspire your allies by increasing their attack
and defence stats.
기공튼튼 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Protection
Play music that will protect your
allies throughout their journey.
체력빵빵 빰빠라밤
Miraculous Body
Play festive music to increase the health of
those around you.
유쾌한 기분
Pleasant Feeling
Play the most beautiful music to your ally, relieving them from all curses.
Can only be used on others if in Kaio-Ken state!
와구와구 저주 먹기
Devour Curse
Recover your ally by eating their oldest curse and recovering
their health.
얼티마 마스터리
Musical Mastery
Ultimate Majin fight to be happy and love to make
others happy. They delight in spreading cheer and joy.

HTB Skill

사운드 샤워 플레져!!
Pleasant Sound Shower!!
Use your Musical Instrument for a powerful HTB attack.