Wonder Majin ♂ ♀


Wonder Majin Class: High Damage, Ranged Energy Attacks, AoE Skills, Defensive Buffs

The Wonder Majin is an ranged offensive energy based class, with a multitude of single and multi-target abilities, such as “Galactic Donut“, “Vanishing Ball” and “Human Extiction Attack“, along with several strong defensive abilities that can mitigate damage, and change the flow of battle, such as “Unbreakable Elastic” and “Feign Death”.

Sub Classes

Plasma Majin

Karma Majin

Wonder Majin

Class Skills

초 배니싱 볼
Calamity Blaster
Fire a blast powerful enough to completely vaporize the Earth.
Genocide Blast!!
Only in Pure Majin form. Throw a projectile of
energy at your enemies.
찌릿찌릿 볼
Double Whammy Ball
Dazzling flash unleashed from the eyes.
In the blink of an eye, envelope the enemy
in a paralysing electrical surge.
연속 호밍샷
Continuous Homing-Shot
Throw small energy balls at you opponent.
Small ongoing attack, but can also cause
strong damage.
배니싱 볼
Vanishing Ball
Gathering some energy to build a ball, that's
fired at your enemies.
초 배니싱 볼
Super Vanishing Ball
Vanishing Ball enhanced version. Gathering
some energy to build a ball, that's fired
at your enemies.
에네르기파 따라하기
Imitation Kamehameha
Kame~~ha~~~me~~~haaa !!!
Quickly copied majin skill. The effect is comparable
with the real spiritualist attack.
갤럭티카 도넛
Galactic Donut
Gathered energy attack, which also
looks like a famous donut!
인류절멸 호밍탄
Human Extinction Attack
This large-scaled attack is best used
against a lot of enemies at once.
기공 공격력 상승
Spiritual Attack Increase
Relying on the body's innate talent,
concentrate the energy at one point,
to eance the spiritual force.
소모 EP 감소
EP Cost Reduction
By Majin passionate personality,
the skills will need fewer energy.
쉬엄쉬엄 기가차네
Serene Focus
This innate ability let you recover
your body over time.
튕겨튕겨 으쌰으쌰
Unbreakable Elastic
Create a anti-energy wall around your body,
that imitate the rivals action. But because it's
not a completely mimic, therefore it only
reflect parts of the damage.
Amusing majin move, Jump towards the enemy to
suddenly surprise it.
좋지않아 다크 빔
Negative Dark Beam
Emit some light to let each other feel tingling
spicy flavor ~! Because it's so excited your
opponents even forgett their blessing.
약해약해 다크 빔
Weakness Dark Beam
Emited energy beam out of your sticky eyes.
Because of the sticky energy, the spiritual
defense will become weaker.
굼떠굼떠 다크 빔
Slow Dark Beam
Let the your eyes emit evil light! Make your
opponent suddenly tired of fighting and its
attack speed decrease.
죽은 척하기
Play Dead
Special talent from Majin, suddenly stop
breathing and play dead. Move again,
because you need to breath will lift that
돌돌 다크 빔
Stony Dark Beam
Candy isn't always the right choice,
why not try some stone ornaments.
혼란의 다크 빔
Confusion Dark Beam
Constant bright light emitted from the eyes to
send your enemy into chaos. The strange
side is, the target can't distinguish the enemy.
독독 다크 빔
Poisonous Dark Beam
Converting the energy within the body into
toxic, and launching it toward your opponent.
화가나도 으쌰으쌰
Intense Rage
Bring some morale lift at a long battle.
파워업 으쌰으쌰
Spiritual Power-Up
Light body dancing technique
to inspire the body~!

Global Skills

순수 마인
Pure Majin
Transform into a Pure Majin. A being of
destruction with insane power.
Your energy will drain in this form.
Increases Attack Power and Speed, but drains LP.
포포에게 부탁해!
Ask Popo's Help!!
Revive nearby allies with the power of Popo!
Blocks incoming attacks.
High speed, short ranged dash in any direction.
기 모으기
Power Up
Accumulate RP while casting.
Grants the ability to fly.
카운터 어택
Counter Attack
Counter your target after guarding against a skill.

HTB Skill

원더풀 크래셔!!
Wonderful Crash!!
Unreservedly energy projectile thrown out!
Leave the opponents no time to suffer.