Dende Priest ♂


Requirement: Dragon Clan Main Class

Weapon: Scroll

Dende Priest Sub-Class: Party Support, Healer, Revive Players

The Dende Priest is a support class, which increases the powerful healing capabilities of the Dragon Clan with the use of “Kami’s Healing Technique” and stronger healing skills such as “Kami’s Mercy”. Those who prefer the healing play style will enjoy playing Dende Priest, with the ability to revive entire parties with “Kami’s Revival” making Dende Priest, a must have in any party. The Dende Priest’s weapon is the Scroll.

Main Class

Dragon Clan

Dende Priest

Class Skills

진 마각광
Super Antenna Beam
With full control of your antenna, this beam will
make your enemies bleed while dealing massive damage.
마첩 방진
Magical Ring
Create a ring of magic that explodes upon contact with your enemy,
binding their actions
마첩 선광참
Vengeful Cannon
Borrow Kami's power to unleash a destructive beam
상태이상 저항 증가
Increase Resistance
You have trained and learned you can now resist anything.
스킬 지속시간 상승
Increase Duration
You have trained and now your skills can
help those in need for longer periods of time.
신의 위로
Divine Cure
Cure your allies from bleeding
states and give them resistance.
신의 자비
Kami's Mercy
Recover the health of all of the allies around you.
신의 총애
Kami's Favor
Ask Kami for a favour and remove one
curse from every ally around.
신의 서광
Kami's Aurora
Help your allies to recover energy with this skill.
Ultimate Instantaneous Movement
Follow your companions everywhere with this
skill taught by Yardrats!
신의 부활
Kami's Revival
Revive the fallen ones and let them live once again.
신의 기력
Kami's Energy
Use the power of Kami upon yourself
and become stronger and have more
focus in battle.
기운 상승
Increase Energy
You have trained and learned a
lot about the world and now your
energy is greater and stronger.
대 마회복
Super Healing Wave
Recover a huge amount of health
to a single target instantly.
총 마회복
Final Healing Wave
The ultimate healing technique, increase
your allies defense and let them rest at
the same time.
Kamis Forgiveness
Kami's Forgiveness
The ultimate healing technique, increase your
allies defense and let their energy recover.
신의 회복기술
Kami's Healing Technique
Use kami's power to boost recovery skill potential.
Impress your allies with great heals, especially over time.
신의 원기
Unleashed Spirit
Unleash your spirit to increase your health and energy.
신의 속임수
Kami's Trickery
Hide behind your allies to avoid being noticed.
덴덴도사 마스터리
Supporter Mastery
Dende Priest are outstanding Namekian spiritualists. They have inherited their
ancestors ancient skills of healing to help them turn the tide of battles. They are more focused on
support and treatment, keeping their allies healthy.

HTB Skill

용족의 긍지!!
Pride of the Clan!!
Use your Healing Scroll for a powerful HTB attack.