Swordsman ♂ ♀


Requirement: Martial Artist Main Class

Weapon: Sword

Swordsman Sub-Class: High Damage per Second, Physical and Energy AOE Attacks

The Swordsman class is a close quarters combatant that defeats its opponents with quick precise slashes, often used best by assaulting unsuspecting targets from behind. Like the Martial Artist, the Swordsman also has its fair share of energy attacks, allowing the player to choose the play style that suits them, with such Energy Attacks as Burning Attack and Focused Kamehameha and Physical Attacks like Multiple Sword Slashes and “Flash Slash”.

Main Class

Martial Artist


Class Skills

Blazing Flash
Jumping at the enemies rear with a powerful blow, burning the target.
소드 슬래시
Sword Slash
Gather energy and attack with the speed of light.
초 소드 슬래시
Multiple Sword Slashes
Sword Slash enhanced version. Gather energy and attack with the speed of light.
버닝 어택
Burning Attack
The signature move of the time patroler Trunks, to use this attack you
have to move your arms in a certain partern to concentrate energy then
release a massive blast to destroy your enemies.
섬광 슬래쉬
Glaring Slash
Concentrate pure energy into your sword and
take away your enemy's attacks and defenses.
그라비티 브레이크
Gravity Break
Focus the energy to exert a powerful
sword attack against the floor.
초 그라비티 브레이크
Focused Gravity Break
Gravity Break enhanced version.
Focus the energy to exert a powerful
sword attack against the floor.
신 집중 기공파
Instant Kamehameha
Channel your ki then rush to your target to release
a Kameha, dealing great damage.
섬광 일섬
Flash Slash
Break the opponents defense with this
light speed slash.
하이 스피드 업
Major Speed Up
Focus your mind and ki to become explosive.
The basic characteristics of sword fighting is
to observe the movement of the enemy, let
your attacks become deadly.
명중률 상승
Increase Physical Power
Concentrate your Ki to strike with
more effectiveness.
타격 크리티컬 확률 상승
Increase Critical Hit Rate
Skilled swordsmen can see their opponent's weaknesses.
회피율 상승
Energy Up
Swordsman skill to efficiently combo enemies.
Unparalleled defence!
Block enemy attacks perfectly.
검술가 마스터리
Swordsman Mastery
The Swordsman strength comes from his emotions,
the art of battle and the technique.
All together gives the swordsman a powerful attack.
기력 증대술
Energy Recovery
Absorb energy from your surroundings.

HTB Skill

언리미티드 슬래셔!!
Unlimited Slash!!
Use your Sword for a powerful HTB attack.