Poko Priest ♂


Requirement: Dragon Clan Main Class

Weapon: Demon Stones

Poko Priest Sub-Class: Offensive Support, Healer, Versatille

The Poko Priest is the offensive variant for the Dragon Clan; while the Poko Priest can still heal, its main focus is being an offensive support, most notably the ability to summon two demonic dragons, one for Defense and one for Offense, Demon God’s Fury and Demon God’s Rage respectively. The Poko Priest is effective in both Competitive and Instanced content, due to the versatility of the class. The Poko Priest’s weapon is the Demon Stones.

Main Class

Dragon Clan

Poko Priest

Class Skills

마석 용아살법
First Law of the Demon Stones
Use energy to propel massive stones
from your gems, these deal damage to
the targeted enemy.
초 마석 용아살법
Second Law of the Demon Stones
Use energy to propel massive stones
from your gems, these deal damage to
ta range of enemies and also make them bleed!
마석 섬광
Demon Stone Flash
Shoot sharp bolts of energy out of
your Demon Stones that deal serious
damage to anyone in front of you.
포코 마광포
Porunga Blast
Call forth an ancestral power to deal extreme damage.
기합 상승
Porunga Blessing
The blessing of Porunga grants you optimal offense.
기운 상승
Increase Energy
You have trained and learned a lot
about the world and now your
energy is greater and stronger.
신의 호위
Kami's Escort
Use your power to increase your defense stats.
신의 속공
Kami's Blitz
Awaken the power inside of your allies
to greatly increase their attack
speed and movement speed.
신의 의기
Kami's Epoch
Give others your strong will, and heal them.
신의 비호
Kami's Protection
Use Kami's power to protect yourself
and reflect any damage done upon you.
스킬 지속시간 상승
Increse Duration
Your skills now last longer because of
all of your training and knowledge.
포코펜 봉고
Dragon God's Fury
Namekian only ability to create new life.
Spit an egg from your mouth to spawn a humanoid dragon with
huge defensive potential.
신의 각성
Kami's Awakening
Awaken the true power hidden inside
of your pet dragon. This will give/nthem a power boost in combat.
신의 투지
Kami's Determination
Get determined, increasing your attacks effectiveness.
신의 후퇴
Kami's Retreat
Become untargetable for a short period
while you remain able to attack.
포코펜 가믈란
Dragon God's Rage
Namekian only ability to create new life.
Spit an egg from your mouth to spawn a flying dragon with
decent offensive and defensive abilities.
신의 신념
Dragon Frenzy
Your summoned dragon becomes unstoppable.
포코포코 저주
Poko Curse
The more damage the opponent deals, the more they get back.
포코도사 마스터리
Combatant Mastery
Much like Demon King Piccolo, The second generation of the
Namekian clan can summon beasts and excel at combat.

HTB Skill

마족의 기백!!
Dragon's Rage!!
Use your Demon Stones for a powerful HTB attack.